Thursday, November 29, 2018

Differences between 1, 2, and 3 silver

DISCLAIMER: Use this information at your own risk. I merely and writing about my experience.

I have received a lot of questions about what the differences between 1, 2, and 3 money are. 

Money 1 is solid silver 95% and up
      This is real silver.  Not plated.  It is full solid silver.  It should be heavy when you put it in your hand. Here is an example.  I would say its hard to tell if items are real silver just buy looking at it.
You could take it to a jeweler to double check the item.  But you could risk damaging it as well.  I have seen kits online that you can buy but it is basically a type of solution that you put on the item and it should react in such a way that you would know.  For this type of silver you can use TarnX to clean it with good results. BUT don't do it too much because you can ruin the silver. The quality will last a lifetime. 



MONEY 2 is Silver Plated 
       I would call this SILVER plated.  It has the the silver on top but when you rub it with a silver cleaning cloth it will turn yellow.  Essentially you are rubbing off the nice silver color on top off of it. The silver color will never come back.  It also will tarnish quicker than real silver.  The quality is good for a short term item.

silver plated

       Money 3 is something else.  From my experience I believe it is just plastic.  It is a plastic piece that has been coated with a shiny aluminum liquid.  They are nice for events but won't last long if they are not properly stored. They also tarnish quickly if left out for long and you won't be able to make it shiny again.  They are very light weight.  When you bend them they will snap into 2 pieces.  They also don't make the nice dinging sound that real metal coins make. They almost have a dull plastic dinging sound to them. 


I hope this information helps you guys when looking at items for the new year as we all dress to impress.

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