Monday, August 27, 2018

How to clean Hmong Necklaces Xauv Paug

by Pang Nya

 How to clean Hmong necklace Xauv Paug # 1


       A lot of people have asked me how I clean my hmong silver.  In this post I wanted to write about the dangers of hmong jewelry cleaning agents sent from overseas but I decided to just add the article with a screen shot below and you can read about it there. I will just share how I clean my real silver necklaces.As many of you already know I have done a couple of videos using TarnX to clean my silver hmong necklaces.  See the video below to watch how I clean the picture of the necklace I have above.

      According to the TarnX directions you do not want to keep your item and the solution for more than two minutes. I think of my situation because I deluded the solution I think it's OK that I kept it in there for a little bit longer. You should not leave your necklace in the TarnX overnight. The process almost happens instantly want to place the item into the solution. What I did was I had at one bottle where I poured that one bottle into the aluminum tray. then I use warm water from the tap and filled it up about halfway. I would say it's almost a 10 to 1 ratio. Meaning 10 bottles of TarnX filled with water plus one bottle of TarnX.

"You should not leave your necklace in the TarnX overnight. "

 How to clean Hmong necklace Xauv Paug # 1
   Here is the bottle. I believe they changed how it looks like but the name is still the same. You can get this at the cleaning section in Walmart or the jewelry section in Walmart. I believe I got this in the cleaning section of Walmart.

I purchased TarnX from Walmart.

Tarn-X Tarnish Remover, 12 Oz Pourable Bottle

      Again I wanted to point out that according to the directions you are not supposed to soak the item for more than two minutes. I believe it can cause pores in your silver and diminish the quality of the item. another suggestion is just dipping a cloth into the TarnX and wiping the jewelry. You wait a couple seconds and then rinse it off. After I soaked my jewelry in the solution I did wash it and dried it with a towel.  it is also important to spot test your jewelry before soaking it in this. You could ruin your jewelry if it's not real silver. I have heard of stories wear necklaces would turn black because it's not real Silver. I have put my second silver in TarnX and what happens is that the item becomes nice and silver but after a day or two it goes back to being tarnished where it was before. It is only a temporary fix to this problem. I have not put my third silver into TarnX so I am wondering if it would turn it black. I have yet to experience this situation where my jewelry turns black. So I can't really say what kind of metal material would cause this but I can say it's not second silver or real silver.

I don't know what kind of metal material would turn BLACK once in TarnX but I can say it's NOT second silver or real silver.

       Again make sure you don't leave your necklace in the solution for longer than five minutes. Next time I want to time myself because I feel that I may lose track of time. What happens is the necklace still changes color while the solution is on it, so you don't have to keep it in there so long. I've also seen where people take apart the necklace and soak it in pieces. As you can see I didn't have to do that and just kept the necklace as it was. I think I would have a difficult time trying to put it back together. I think also the more you move the jump rings the less stronger they become.

      Here is another necklace that I used TarnX to wash it with. As you can see there is dramatic difference in the color. you can buy TarnX at Walmart or any jewelry store should have some silver cleaning agent. There is also cleaning wipes that you can use. I recently purchased some metal polish from Ebay that you can use to clean copper jewelry with. I wanted to try it on cleaning second silver. I can do a review of that later.

      Jewelry will usually tarnish because it is exposed to air. so after you have cleaned it and after you have used it it is important to keep it in an airtight container or bag. another method I have seen use to clean jewelry is with baking soda, aluminum, vinegar lemon and warm water. I found a video on YouTube that shows how to do this. I believe this takes a little bit longer than if you were to just use tarnX.

      I hope these tips have been helpful to you. I will definitely update you guys on how the metal polish works on my second silver. Again, I have added an article below of the agent that is usually used to clean second silver that is from overseas. I was quite shocked with the response I received when I asked what was used to clean the second silver from my Thailand vendor.  I ask that you use caution when ingesting anything from overseas whether it's vitamins, diet pills, energy pills, etc... The matter of the fact is that we do not know exactly what are in these products. This is also a reminder to myself that I need to be more aware of my surroundings and place any hazardous materials out of reach from my babies. I will be keeping those who lost their loved ones in my thoughts. 

Please comment below if you have any other suggestions for cleaning Hmong Silver. Thanks for stopping by! 

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